The Senior Rabbi's Office (SRO) dates back to 1664, and is the oldest Rabbinic office in the United Kingdom. It has been fundamental in establishing key Jewish institutions in the country. The Office strives to ensure that the Community's identity is robust and healthy, its spiritual ethos and philosophy is clear, and that it is prominently and professionally represented both nationally and internationally.
These objectives are achieved through the SRO's various ambassadorial and educational projects in the UK and abroad.
The Sephardi Jews in the United Kingdom are mainly members of independent synagogues. There is no single rabbi recognised by them as a Chief Rabbi. The Spanish and Portuguese community, however, consists of several synagogues, charities, a Beth Din and a Kashrut Authority – serving all Jews in the country. These institutions are the responsibility of the S&P Sephardi Community. Historically, the individual who fills this leadership role is recognised as a Senior Rabbi of Anglo-Jewry.
The eminent Rabbis who occupied this esteemed position, and their years of office, are as follows:
Rabbi Jacob ben Aaron Sasportas (1664–1665)
Rabbi Yehoshua Da Silva (1670–1679)
Rabbi Jacob Abendana (1681–1684)
Rabbi Solomon Ayllon (1689–1700)
Rabbi David Nieto (1701–1728)
Rabbi Isaac Nieto (1732–1740)
Rabbi Moshe Gomes de Mesquita (1744–1751)
Rabbi Moshe Cohen d'Azevedo (1761–1784)
Rabbi Raphael Meldola (1806–1828)
Rabbi Benjamin Artom (1866–1879)
Rabbi Moses Gaster (1887–1918)
Rabbi Shem Tob Gaguine (1920–1953)
Rabbi Solomon Gaon (1949–1995)
Rabbi Abraham Levy (1995–2012)
Rabbi Joseph Dweck (2013 – )