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Explore our range of educational projects around the world.
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Join our training course for Rabbis and Community Leaders that is the first in the world to combine professional, halakhic, pastoral and spiritual training in the field of mental health.

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An online Jewish educational platform dedicated to studying Torah and Judaism, with over 300 students from over 15 countries around the world.

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Sephardic She'elot - Rabbinical Council of America

A worldwide WhatsApp group moderated by Senior Rabbi Dweck, to give members of the RCA access to Sephardi Rabbis for various legal questions.

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Community Programming

We host internationally renowned Jewish speakers and authors for a week of programming in the UK, to ensure our community benefits from the leading Jewish thinkers and ideas.


Rabbi Dweck speaks to thinkers and creators from across society about the meaning and value of what they do. The podcast explores how the wisdom of Jewish tradition and thought can be applied in today’s world.

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RJD Mobile App

Listen to a variety of classes and speeches by Rabbi Dweck on all things Torah and beyond, with thousands of recordings to choose from.

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